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Spread the news!

We need your help! The nonprofit PlantPure Communities is getting the word out about the connection between dairy and acne via this article and a coordinated social media campaign. This is part of a wider initiative aimed at reducing demand for animal foods – which is critical to address the climate crisis. Be part of the campaign to “Ditch Dairy for Clearer Skin” and share the news!

Sample Posts

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Join the campaign to “Ditch Dairy for Clearer Skin” – spread the news! “Removing dairy is the first and most important dietary change you should make to prevent and treat acne.” – Dr. Busse, pediatrician
#PlantPureCommunities #DitchDairy4ClearSkin #Acne 

Dr. T. Colin Campbell says, “There is no redeeming value in advocating for increased dairy consumption among young people.” Join the campaign to “Ditch Dairy for Clearer Skin” – spread the news!
#PlantPureCommunities #DitchDairy4ClearSkin #Acne


Is dairy causing your acne? Be part of the campaign to “Ditch Dairy for Clearer Skin” and spread the news!
#PlantPureCommunities #DitchDairy4ClearSkin #Acne


Help the nonprofit PlantPure Communities get the word out about the association between dairy and acne. Be part of the campaign to “Ditch Dairy for Clearer Skin” and spread the news!
Thank you! 

Memes with before and after photos:
When sharing these memes, please include this language in your caption: “Results achieved using dairy-free Clear Skin Diet program.”

Facebook Graphics

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