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The Role & Mission of PlantPure Communities

The mission of PlantPure Communities is to build stronger, healthier, and more sustainable communities. This is being accomplished through a wide range of research, policy, and program activities and working with local nonprofits, businesses, governments, hospitals and other health-related organizations, faith-based groups, and other community organizations.

Our Focus: PPC offers programs, resources, tools, and knowledge to empower community leaders, activists, and advocates, in order to help educate people about evidence-based nutrition that shows that optimal health may be achieved through a whole food, plant-based (WFPB) diet. In recognition of the enormous confusion surrounding nutrition that has resulted in skyrocketing food-borne chronic disease and the challenges that many people face in making long-term changes to their diet, especially in low-income and other underserved neighborhoods, PPC works to:

  • Increase access to and understanding of the clear scientific basis that a WFPB diet is optimal for humans;
  • Meet people wherever they are on their health journey;
  • Encourage all people to eat whole plant-based foods and reduce or eliminate their consumption of animal-based products, including meat, dairy, fish, and eggs, and also reduce or avoid processed food, such as sugar and oil; and
  • Institutionalize long-term neighborhood-based support of WFPB nutrition.

Download the flyer about PPC and help us spread the health message of plant-based eating!


Despite spending more money than any other country in the world, American healthcare has failed to stem the rising tide of chronic disease. Its primary weapons, a plethora of pharmaceuticals, mostly focus on symptoms and do not address root causes. As the number of Americans suffering from heart disease, diabetes, cancer, autoimmune diseases and obesity continues to skyrocket, there is a growing recognition that these chronic problems are somehow connected to what we eat. Today, half of all Americans are on some form of prescribed medication, and as millions struggle with the ravages of chronic disease – they know they need to eat healthier, but fad diets have only made things worse and they don’t know where to turn.

Beyond the chronic health problems, the standard American diet (also known as ‘SAD’) is also having devastating environmental impacts with global consequences. Consumption of animal-based foods contributes to soil loss, groundwater contamination, deforestation, fossil fuel use, and depletion of deep aquifers. Our system of livestock production wastes precious resources and destroys the environment. It is estimated that animal-based food requires about fifty times more land and water resources than the same number of calories of plant-based food. There is also a growing concern about deforestation in the tropics — as much as 80% of which is attributable to new farmland production used for livestock grazing and feed.

Many of our most urgent problems are inter-connected in that they stem from our animal-based, standard American diet.

Research has proven that a whole food plant-based diet is optimal for humans. This diet can prevent serious chronic diseases and also reverse many of America’s biggest killers (e.g., heart disease and diabetes), and it can do so rapidly. Unlike pharmaceuticals, which typically address the symptoms, food can do the job of fully treating the underlying disease, and without negative side effects.


Watch our 4 minute video to learn more about the original vision for PlantPure Communities

The nonprofit PlantPure Communities was formed partly as an outgrowth of the 2015 hit movie, PlantPure Nation. This movie documents the suppression of important taxpayer-funded scientific nutritional research that proves the benefits of a whole food, plant-based diet, and includes a call to action, which has resulted in the involvement of thousands of people joining the PlantPure movement.

An underlying tenet of PlantPure Communities is to get the word out about important scientific nutrition research, much of which was led by T. Colin Campbell, PhD., as detailed in the book, The China Study. Dr. Campbell serves as an advisor to the organization. Nelson Campbell, the son of Dr. Campbell, is the founder of PlantPure Communities and the director of the PlantPure Nation film.