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We are now well into the first leg of our screening tour.


The crowds so far have been large and enthusiastic, which is gratifying given all the hard work we put into this film. But what has struck me most in this first leg of our journey is the deep passion and joy people seem to have around this idea of plant-based nutrition. After the film, people come up to us thanking us for our efforts, but I just want to thank them, because it seems that everyone coming to us is working in their own way to bring this message into the world.

This is a very humbling experience. No one of us is more special than the rest, and it will take all of us working together to transform our world through the powerful concept of plant-based nutrition.

Starting this week, we will begin producing video segments from our trip and posting these to our website ( and Facebook page. We would like to create the opportunity for you to come along with us on this journey. Our goal is a grassroots movement. We invite you to join us; it will be a wild and fun ride.



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