Unsplash / Pixabay
We just learned that a local volunteer who helped to market our screening in San Francisco this weekend also used the event to promote an outside supplement product.
As we roll out our film across North America, we are working with local folks to get the word out about each screening. And we give them an opportunity at the film showing to speak briefly about the impending formation of a PlantPure Pod in their local area. We make clear to these folks that they cannot promote any outside products or programs. These instructions were disregarded in San Francisco.
I would like to take this opportunity to make clear that we do not allow anyone associated with a film screening to market outside products to the audience.
I also would like to take this opportunity to make a point about supplement products in general. We do not believe supplements of any kind (except for vitamin B12) can substitute for a whole-food, plant-based diet. The thinking behind a supplement product is based on the same reductionist thinking used in the pharmaceutical industry. Most of these products do not work and only serve to confuse people. We do not support this approach and think it is time that we stop all this commercially driven confusion and tell people the simple but powerful truth: that whole, plant-based foods will heal them.
We apologize to those people who saw our film in San Francisco. We are posting this blog to our Facebook page and would love for those of you who attended our San Francisco screening to share this post, especially with others you know who attended the screening.
Thank you.
Nelson Campbell
PlantPure Nation Foundation
PlantPure, Inc.